How to develop the habit of excellence

One very interesting thing I love about life is that it has a system of helping anyone grow from point ZERO to point HERO in anything at all. That is why I always say that every expert has a past and every newbie has a future. As long as your submit yourself to the rules that govern the system of growth in life, becoming excellent is a natural outcome that must happen.

I’ve been in the digital space for a very few years now and I can remember how I started. I started as a terrible newbie even though I have always loved to be excellent at what I do. Because of this burning hunger for excellence, I sought for works that displayed high degrees of excellence. I always drew inspiration from them and I always asked a question, “How do I get to this level of thinking that will produce this kind of masterpieces?”.

It took me a while before I began to understand the ropes, the trade secrets and the psychology behind those things I was always admiring, but eventually, I got a good grasp of them. Now, after understanding those things, it has always been up to me to either submit to the work involved, or be too lazy to put them to work.

But as for me, I wasn’t after money as much as I was after being able to produce something of global standards. And as you’re reading this now, each day, my standards of measuring myself are rising. That is why I keep evolving at a fast pace. Money is not the first thing. What I always want to have is that thing that magnetizes money which is excellence.

It pains me so much that these days, people have settled for mediocrity just to be able to pay bills and make ends meet. You’ll be hearing things like, “So far it’s bringing some cash here and there, abeg let me just be doing my thing jare.” What a shame and a pity!

Excellence is not a skill, but a habit and it’s painful that only a very few people have this skill. This is the reason a lot of people find it difficult in this age to turn their talents into wealth and relevance. You hear people say, “abeg go get better job o…who talent epp?” And even in the job, very few people can speak the language of excellence. Of course, how you do one thing is how you do everything. If you find it difficult to cultivate the habit of excellence with your talent, you won’t be able to afford it in any job you’re given.

And the reality of life is that, each day, the bars of excellence are being raised and the standards are getting very high. Whatever field you want to venture into, there are high standards for global performance, and those standards aren’t static. This is why most people are often too scared to give it what it takes. The time, energy, resources and comfort to sacrifice is too much for them to handle. As a matter of fact, they don’t see themselves as a profitable venture to invest such into.

So, it’s all about your mindset. Until you can place a bet on your life and begin to see it worthy of your all, YOU CAN’T get the best out of it.

“Anyone can be a beginner at anything, but only those who build the habit of excellence will get to the zenith of it.” – Simeon Taiwo

So, what are those things that make up the habit of excellence?

1) Attention to details.

How attentive are you to the details of your life i.e. how you spend your time, your attention, your energy and resources? Do you always allow things to slip by without your control? This is a habit and it will reflect in whatever skill you have.

2) Attention to standards.

For every human endeavour or discipline, there are global standards that those who have gone before you have set and even raised. How attentive are you to them, in your own field? Are you even aware of how people do what you are going at the global level? If I ask you, who are the top three people in your field in Nigeria and what are the latest things they are doing, can you give an answer?

3) Self-appraisal and self-awareness

The best thing a man can always do for himself is to assess himself. If you don’t know your level, you can’t possibly take any productive steps to grow from it. Growth always starts when you can come to terms with your current state. Self-awareness is important. This is the theory of meta-cognition. He that knows that he doesn’t know is far wiser than he that doesn’t even know that he doesn’t know.

I grow daily because I am always aware of the areas I am lagging behind. Are you aware of yours? Do you face your ignorance and seek possible ways to deal with them or you are blind to them?

Excellence is not a skill. You may currently not be as good as Mr. A or Miss B, but when you have the habit, your growth will daze all.

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